Tengku Syamil

Maker & Startup Growth Specialist

I find joy initiating, launching & growing tech projects! You can reach me at hi@tengkusyamil.me.

Here are things that I am actively working on today

I am a Growth Specialist for the Canva Creators program. I got this gig with Canva thanks to the project I started below.

🔗 Check out Canva Creators

I also run Canvakeywords.pro, a web app & newsletter that curates the best design elements on Canva.

🔗 Take a peek at Canvakeywords.pro

Previously, I co-founded two crowdfunding platforms

The first one was called Skolafund.com - a scholarship crowfunding platform. It was launched in 2015 with a focus of making higher education & its opportunities accessible to deserving students.

Kitafund.com, the second platform, was launched iearly 2019. It started as a crowdfunding platform for medical causes but quickly grew to host a large variety of charitable causes.

By the end of 2019, the two platforms were fully acquired by a regional crowfunding platform and I exited the company a few months after the acquisition.

Businessman Reading Newspaper Workplace Concept

Media Mentions

I've had the pleasure of representing my teams in a few interviews with the media previously. If you'd like to check out some of them, click the button below.

Here are some other things I have worked on


A simple web app to search & learn if an additive is Halal, Doubtful or Non-Halal

DIY Business Hack

An instagram account that shares simple & cheap (most of the time free) hacks to accomplish a business-related task.

These are some of the things I have done on the "professional" side of things. I am super grateful for the opportunities and more importantly, the people that I have worked with throughout this journey so far. I have had great teammates that made crazy tasks more bearable.

I hope I get to do more things that make a difference till my final day on earth!

If you feel there are things that we can work together on, you can reach me at hi@tengkusyamil.me!